
School Site Council (SSC)

School Site Council (SSC) Agendas and Minutes



School Site Council (SSC)

The elected School Site Council (SSC) represents parents, students, community members, and school staff in the school governance process. The SSC has a number of important responsibilities, including:

  • Reviewing and analyzing student achievement data,
  • Gathering community input,
  • Helping develop the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP), Restricted Title programs and the school site budget, and
  • Monitoring the implementation of the plan and budget. These are the steps in the school planning process.


What can families expect with Ivy Academia's planning process?

These are the steps in the school planning process:

  1. Review data about your school and students and reflect on how your school is doing to support students to succeed. Examples of information you can review include:
  2. Based on that data, set goals and identify priorities for the next school year. What are the programs, services, and other resources your school wants to focus on, to reach these goals?
  3. Look at how the draft school budget can best support these goals and priorities.
  4. In the fall, the process is repeated, once enrollment numbers and state budgets have been finalized.  Look for those dates to be updated on this page in late August or early September. 

How can you participate?

  • Participate in School Site Council or supporting committees like ELAC (English Language Advisory Committee)
  • Participate in your school’s student and parent/family surveys to make sure your voice is heard
  • Participate in the annual LCAP review process


Other elected advisory committees

In addition to the SSC, Ivy Academia is required to have other elected advisory committees. These advisory committees help underrepresented students and their families play a larger role in school governance:


English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) (see below for more information)

The SSC and ELAC can bring diverse ideas to the discussion and help the school craft a shared plan for improvement. The most effective councils and committees can focus on the big picture, make a concerted effort to achieve authentic participation of staff and families, diagnose problems, develop innovative and effective solutions, and work collaboratively to monitor progress.



What are the roles of the School Site Council (SSC) members?

A School Site Council must be established at Los Angeles public schools. The elected members of the SSC represent parents, students, community members, and school staff in school governance. By state law, the SSC must oversee the site-based budgeting of categorical funds and the development and monitoring of the LCAP. The SSC is expected to:

  • Review and analyze student data.
  • Solicit community input, including feedback from the ELAC.
  • Assist the principal in developing the Academic Plan and school site budget.
  • Monitor the implementation and effectiveness of the LCAP on an ongoing basis.
  • Approve categorical funding (Title I) in the LCAP before it is submitted to the Board of Directors for final review and approval.


What is the composition of members of the SSC?

The council shall be composed of the principal and representatives of teachers selected by teachers at the school; other school staff selected by other school staff at the school; parents of students attending the school or community members selected by parents of students and, in secondary schools, students selected by students (California Education Code Section 52852).


SSC Meetings

The SSC will meet a minimum of four times per school year with an orientation at the beginning of the school year: The SSC meetings are scheduled for 3:15 to 3:45 pm on the following days:

    • Thursday, September 26, 2024
    • Wednesday, December 4, 2024
    • Monday, January 6, 2025
    • Thursday, May 8, 2025

The location of the meetings will be in the Conference Room (5975 Shoup Ave., Woodland Hills, CA 91367) and online via Zoom (see calendar for specific information). 


2024-2025 SSC Members

We are proud to introduce the members and officials of the School Site Council of Ivy Academia:


Dmitry Nosovitskiy, Interim Principal, Chairperson

Lucas Covert, Social Studies Teacher, Secretary

Ana Cervantes, Classified Staff, ELAC Coordinator

David Rhoades, Elementary Teacher

Christopher Vanderhorst, Arts & Media Teacher 

Bianca Galdamez, Parent

Mayra Blanco, Parent



If you would like to be a part of the School Site Council (SSC), please email Mr. Nosovitskiy.