Having an issue with a friend or classmate? Peer mediators are here to help!
How does peer mediation work?
You and the student you're having a conflict with will meet with two peer mediators who will listen to what each of you have to say. Peer mediators aren't there to take sides but will act as guides to help you and your friend or classmate find a solution on your own.
Who are the peer mediators?
Ivy students just like you! For high school students, your peer mediators will be fellow high school students. For middle school students, your peer mediators will be fellow middle school students!
Where does peer mediation take place?
Room 604, Mr. Wong's office.
When does peer mediation happen?
Fridays during SSR.
Are there any rules for peer mediation?
1. One person speaks at a time
2. No name-calling
3. No vulgar language
4. Keep hands to yourself
5. Everything said during the session is confidential-Neither you nor the peer mediators may talk about what was said or what happened during the session to anyone else or post about it on social media.
Sounds great! How do I sign up?
Fill out this form. Before filling it out, make sure that the student you're having a conflict with agrees to the mediation as well. In order to find a solution, you both need to be willing to meet in a neutral space.