
Wellness Policy

Local Education Agencies (LEAs) must conduct a comprehensive assessment of the Local School Wellness Policy (LSWP) a minimum of once every three years. The triennial assessment requirements are:
  1. comparison to a model policy;
  2. progress with the LSWP goals; and
  3. compliance with the policy.
LEAs may choose their methods to meet the three requirements outlined above. One online tool recommended for model policy comparison is the Well SAT, which can be located on the WellSAT website at LEAs may use action planning documents containing timelines, goals, and tasks to assist in measuring progress and compliance with the policy. An online tool that helps with action planning and recordkeeping is the School Health Index. LEAs must also make the results of the triennial assessment available to the public. 
Ivy Academia's most recent triennial assessment occurred on February 1, 2021 of the 2020-2021 School Wellness Policy. The results of this triennial assessment were used when updating the 2021-2022 School Wellness Policy by public discussion and approval of the School Wellness Committee (SWC) on 2-8-2021, School Site Council (SSC) on 2-22-2021 and Ivy Academia Board of Directors on 2-18-2021.


California LSWP Triennial Assessment Guidance

WellSAT Scorecard