Pop Quiz: What does an entrepreneurial mindset have to do with elementary school? At Ivy Academia, a free TK-8 school in Woodland Hills, California, we know that teaching an entrepreneurial mindset will help our students be successful both in their academic and personal pursuits. Long live our Pumas’ bright futures!
Mental Mindsets Strengthened in Elementary School
Ivy Academia is loved by our students and staff because we care deeply about our community, offer strong standards-based academics, and give super support. But our defining specialty is our entrepreneurial focus.
What is an entrepreneurial focus? We teach students life skills— including critical thinking, teamwork, tenacity, finances and money management—that translate into business skills.
Partnering with the NFTE (Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship), here are our ten entrepreneurial dispositions -or mental mindsets- we strive for:
1. Passion. Students identify and develop a strong fondness or enthusiasm for a subject, topic or venture which they cultivate through the course of their academic endeavors.
2. Resilience. Students establish strategies to help them appropriately cope with and overcome challenges.
3. Adaptability. Students identify strategies to help them adjust to changes in their personal and academic environments and to reflect on their ongoing effectiveness as they mature.
4. Flexibility. Students demonstrate a willingness to compromise and/or adapt to changes or situations.
5. Vision. Students manifest idea creation beyond the obvious or practical, particularly in relation to problem solving.
6. Self-Awareness. Students develop an in-depth knowledge and understanding of personal strengths and weaknesses and how to use reflective practice to deepen one's sense of self.
7. Lifelong Learner. Students identify avenues for ongoing exposure and growth in areas of interest.
8. Acceptance of Failure for Growth. Students identify strategies to cope with and overcome failure with a focus toward reflection on areas of personal growth.
9. Motivation. Students develop a working understanding of what inspires one to action.
10. Tenacity. Students demonstrate a willingness and/or ability to persevere when faced with challenges or adversity.
It Takes an Ivy Community…to Create an EConvention
Within the entrepreneurship approach, our engaged TK-8 tuition-free school gets together for Ivy Community. During Ivy Community students attend the Ivy University classes and learn many of the skills that are associated with becoming an entrepreneur.
Through the Ivy Community Entrepreneurial Program, students learn to be confident and responsible. They have jobs, pay bills, learn about law enforcement, and explore the court system. They acquire 21st century skills like critical thinking, teamwork, and health and wellness awareness.
Ivy University provides students an opportunity to learn about resume writing and interview skills, business law, public speaking, leadership, management and customer service.
After completion of these universities, students operate their new business ventures, and have the opportunity to compete in an entrepreneurial convention by presenting their businesses to public officials, community members, parents and friends. The convention is tied to an Open House after school- all are welcome to attend! Even our transitional kindergarten, TK, has a store to sell rainbow bracelets, necklaces, and painted art. Precious and priceless!
Our students learn how to organize and manage an enterprise, while successfully employing considerable initiative and overcoming risks. Yep, they’re pretty amazing.
Join our Ivy Academia Puma family and enroll today!
About Ivy Academia
Ivy Academia is a tuition-free public charter elementary & middle school serving transitional kindergarten through eighth graders in Woodland Hills, California. At Ivy Academia, we empower our students to realize their fullest potential through meaningful and innovative educational opportunities. We use a cross-curricular approach, focusing on an entrepreneurial mindset. We believe in a high-quality, customized education, setting high expectations and offering robust academic support. Our small, TK-8 program partners with families and the surrounding community in preparing students to become dynamic leaders in the 21st century. Join our growing school, enroll today!