Ivy Academia’s Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) Program is designed to motivate students in a challenging environment that promotes student achievement.
Ivy Academia educators believe in a differentiated curriculum that incorporates high level thinking skills and provides for a variety of learning modalities. Teachers work closely with Ivy Academia Administrators to take part in staff development opportunities that further their knowledge and understanding of the social, emotional and academic needs of their students.
Ivy Academia’s comprehensive GATE program encourages and provides for the ongoing participation of parents/guardians in the planning and evaluation of their individual student program.
Identified GATE students who elect to participate in the program will be expected to maintain a high level of academic performance, show progress in mastering course requirements, embrace academic challenges, and demonstrate a level of commitment necessary for success in the program. Continued enrollment in the GATE program will require on-going evidence of academic achievement and performance.
Categories and Process of Identification
Students whose abilities fall into one or more of the categories below may be considered for participation in the GATE.
High Achievement Ability - Grade 4 and above: Students who consistently function for two consecutive years at advanced levels determined by State Tests in both English Language Arts and Mathematics, Quarterly Benchmark results, Grades and Teacher Recommendation.
Grade 2 and 3: Students who demonstrate high achievement at advanced levels determined by Quarterly Benchmark results, Grades and Teacher Recommendation.
Specific Academic Ability: Grade 5 and above: Students who consistently function for three consecutive years at advanced levels determined by State Tests in either English Language Arts or Mathematics. Students in Grades 9-12 may also be considered in either Science or Social Science.
Leadership Ability: Students who show confidence and knowledge; influence others effectively; have problem-solving and decision-making skills; express ideas in oral or written form clearly; show sense of purpose and direction as determined by administrator and teacher observations, participation in Ivy Community, Student Government Association, Elementary, Junior and National Honor Society, documented community service projects.
Process for Identification
Identification is accomplished through the following process:
1. Referral - Interested parents of students who may be eligible should print the Parent Evaluation Form available below and turn this into their child’s teacher. The classroom teacher will then complete the Application for Identification as GATE in the High Achievement / Specific Academic Categories and submit both forms to school principal.
2. Screening – The school administrator or designee screens students by collecting data from existing sources, such as, the cumulative record, test data, quarterly benchmark results, grades, interview Ivy Community, SGA, NHS, and Community Service advisors and parent questionnaire.
3. Committee Review – At minimum the teacher and site administrator will review all screening materials and determine the eligibility of students. If a student is found eligible for GATE, parents will receive a Parent’s Consent for Participation form that the parents must sign and return to the school to be kept in the student’s cumulative record.
Portfolios, projects, presentations and participation in exhibitions are particularly useful in assuring that GATE students are accountable for working up to their potential by customizing expectations to each learner. In consultation with their teachers and parents, students set annual academic goals (Individual Performance Plans). Throughout the school year, evidence of this accelerated learning is collected and placed in a portfolio to verify the accomplishment of the goals. Individual Performance Plans will be reviewed annually and maintained in an orange folder as an important part of the GATE student’s cumulative record.
For questions regarding the GATE program, please contact administration at 818-716-0771.
Application for Identification as Gate
Parent Evaluation